Does your pet run under the bed when there is a thunderstorm or get stressed out when you leave the house?
Sometimes it’s easy to tell when your dog is anxious. Other times you may have to pay extra close attention. Many pet owners are now looking for natural remedies and avoiding the long list of side effects that prescription drugs can cause.
These are some of the most common signs of dog anxiety.
*Chewing or destructive behaviour
*Barking or crying, trembling or shaking
*Restlessness, pacing
*Excessive licking &/or panting
*Loss of appetite, refusal to eat
While some situations can be remedied by distracting them or removing them from the situation, a holistic health overview can be used to settle the behaviour by addressing the diet.
There are lots of natural alternatives you can safely use to calm your dog and help them deal with their anxiety. Over the years, we have helped many with pet anxiety, using natural options.
#1 DIET.
One of the most common causes of anxiety is mineral deficiency due to an imbalance in their food.
As Diet is a contributor to most of our health ( good & bad) it makes sense to look at this first. Addressing diet first & getting the diet right solves many problems before needing to supplement with other products.
Certain minerals regulate the nervous system to soothe & calm anxiety. If your pet is not getting adequate nutrients from their food this can put pressure on the nervous system. Foods that are found low in these minerals are found to increase nervousness and many pet foods today contain ingredients that reduce mineral absorption.
Pet foods that contain quality ingredients are a must for all aspects of your pet’s health.
In today’s pet food market, everyone is claiming quality, so where do you start? I guess you start with the digestive system of the pet you are working with & the appropriate diet to that specific pet.
For a carnivore dog or cat a Cereal ingredient should not be the #1 ingredient & in my opinion, should not even be #2 and because there are many other variants that determine a quality food, I will stop at Meat being the #1 & #2 ingredient, being the most important.
I also refrain from choosing foods with BHA or BHT preservatives or other chemical sounding ingredients. Vitamin E may not extend the shelf life quite as long, but it is a much safer alternative for your pet.
While many pet owners use conventional vet medicine it doesn’t come without risk and many have a long list of adverse side effects.
Homeopathy has been very effective because they target specific symptoms. They’re also very safe and in most cases even during pregnancy & lactation.
It is great for any animal that has become unbalanced on a mental emotional level, whether that is due to stress, anxiety, a frightening event or any form of upset that causes the animals to become, restless, hysterical, scared, jumpy and fretful.
More and more animal owners are now looking for ways they can treat their animals with products that are gentle, natural, cost effective, non withholding and don’t come with the nasty side effects.
Homeopathy is specific & is best discussed with a knowledgable person as to which products would be formulated for your pets specific problem.
Surprisingly, the number of people who have given our pet probiotics to their pets & come back saying that their pet is calmer, initially amazed us, but it makes sense. Going back to the role that diet plays.
There is a scientifically proven physiological relationship between the gut and the central nervous system through what is known as the gut-brain axis. This means that the gut’s microbiome (bacterial inhabitants) or lack thereof, can have a direct effect on the nervous system and can therefore contribute to behavioural issues.
Have you ever had an upset stomach when you were stressed or nervous? This is because your gut and nervous system are physiologically connected.

If you are managing allergies, or yeast infections, talk to us about which Pet specific probiotic would be suited to your pet & remember that our pets do not process lactose well, so yoghurt is not a good option for them.
If your dog has to deal with anxiety, it can impact their quality of life (and your own). But these natural solutions may help them get some relief.